

发表时间: 2020-11-23 18:28



此蛋白石手链,每颗石子表面光滑、嫩如婴孩的肌肤、半透明呈不规则状,色彩由白至蓝游移不定,几乎找不到色的分界线,充满了神秘性。OPAL is an amorphous silicon dioxide that contains 5-10% water. Opal, also known as Opal, means "the beauty of a gem" . Opal is known as the "Palette" of precious stones of high quality, it is famous for its special color changing effect, second only to Emerald in ancient times.

This opal bracelet, each stone surface smooth, tender as baby's skin, translucent irregular, color from white to blue, almost can not find the dividing line of color, full of mystery.